Library of Resources and Writings
The Neighborhood of the Binyanim
Tablet Magazine Articles
The Meaning of the Afikoman
The future is in the hands of the children. Lessons From Sodom and Gomorrah
What happened in the ancient cities that drew the wrath of God? [The text of the midrash discussed in this article: Genesis Rabbah 49 #21] What’s the Point of Passover?
Do today’s Seders exist to remember the past, or did past events occur so that they could be remembered later? Unetanneh Tokef
This High Holiday poem reminds us that we can change our own character, even if we cannot completely control our future. [A note on translating the name of the poem as "Let us Cede Power"] Kol Nidre’s Conundrum
How can you enter a day of moral repair with words on your lips that annul your past and future promises? |
Jewish Exponent Articles
Devar Torah on Tsav (Leviticus)
Gratitude and Fear: A commentary on Dayenu! Devar Torah on Beha'alotechah (Numbers)
Worldly Connections Help Ensure That Wisdom Will Always Flow Devar Torah on Matot-Masei (Numbers)
Living in Community Requires Ongoing Compromise Devar Torah on Devarim (Deuteronomy)
Each Generation Reinterprets Torah |
In This Hour: Heschel's Writings in Nazi Germany and London Exile
By Abraham Joshua Heschel Edited by Helen Plotkin, foreword by Susannah Heschel, translated by Stephen Lehmann and Marion Faber |
Passover Readings
Breaking the Middle Matzo
A reading for your Seder about the stack of three matzos and the afikoman. Dayenu
Fear and gratitude. |